In most instances an individual will be assessed by a multi-disciplinary team. Once a decision has been made to move into a residential care setting, we will allocate you an Admissions Co-ordinator who will discuss potential care packages and care environments with you and your family as requested.
If Castlebank is identified as a potential care environment, you will be very welcome to visit, have a look around and let us know what you think. We will usually arrange to meet with a prospective resident, their family or carer, during a pre-assessment visit. This meeting provides us with the opportunity of undertaking a holistic needs assessment, to identify the level of care that is required in order to ensure that we are confident in being able to meet their assessed needs. Equally, it allows us an opportunity to provide information about the Home, establish the priorities, views and wishes of the prospective resident whilst identifying and addressing any concerns and fears they may have.
All prospective residents’, relatives or carers can visit the home without a prior appointment and meet with other service users and staff before making any decisions. An admission date will only be arranged when a decision has been mutually agreed by all relevant parties. It is important to remember that admissions to the Home are usually subject to a 6-week period whereby either party may end the contract without obligation. The Home will ensure that a meeting with the Manager is arranged, to review the Residents needs towards the end of this period, and the Resident and relatives or carer will be made aware of this review date.
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